Hey you guys, have you ever wondered how different Selena Gomez looks with and without makeup? I have been wondering about that for a long time but i haven't gotten a chance to talk about it. Anyways, people always say that people look better with makeup on but I disagree. Because I have seen alot of people without makeupon that look very pretty.So what am I waiting for? Let's see how Selena Gomez looks with and without makeup :-)
Hey you guys it's me again talking about how selena gomez looks in stylish glasses.stylish glasses are so cute but they especially look cute on Selena Gomez. Selena Gomez, you are rocking those glasses.Don't you just love those stylish glasses that Selena Gomez wears. She looks so cute in them.Stylish glasses have all types of different styles and you could wear them with anything. Scoring how Selena Gomez looks in stylish glasses on a scale from 1 to 10, I would give it a 10. I would give it a 10 because they look so cute on her and she rocks any kind of stylish glasses that you could put on her. Keep up the good work in that fasion Selena.
Hey guys.Did you ever get the feeling when you have to go to an important interview and you are just so axcited to go. Well, Selena Gomez has that feeling all the time. She is always doing interviews and they are always either asking her about her personal life or asking her about her imformation. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESSES PEOPLE!!!Why can't you ask some other questions. Some things are personal.Some of the times she would be excited and some of the times she might be like"UMMMMM EXCUSE ME, THAT'S PERSONAL". Anyways, the other thing that i wanted to talk about is giving Selena Gomez a break. Just let her live her life, I'm not saying that she doesn't have to go to anymore interviews but at least let her take a break. I hope one day she could just forget about being famouse and have a little fun. I don't mean forever but just a little break.Please comment on what you think about this whole situation. Here's a picture and a video of Selena Gomez at an interview. Just to let you know, this interview is at the Ellen show and this isn't really an example of what I was talking about with the whole minding other people's business thing.
Hey you guys. Have you seen that music video of Selena Gomez's son ''Slow Down The Song. Well I have and that is my favriote song of her's and i love it. I hope you guys love this song as much as I love it. Here, take a look at her music video "Slow Down The Song". Enjoy.
Hey you guys it's me, the gossip girl. Haven't you heard of all those nickelodean award shows that Selena Gomez went to. I don't really watch it that much but I do sometimes and it is really interesting. Anyways, Selena Gomez goes there, she wins a lot of awards witch she deserves. When she goes she always dresses so cute.Have you ever watched the nickelodean award show or went to it? It is so cool. Some people might not think so but I know that I love it. Selena Gomez always likes to thank her fans. Selena Gomez deserved to go to that nickelodean award show and win awards. Here, take a look at 2 of these pictures and this video of her at the nickelodean award show. This is a video of Selena Gomez singing Come and Get it at the Kids Choice Awards.
What's up people it's gossip girl here and right now I feel like talking about fashion. And not just any type of fashion, Selena's fashion. I think that Selena Gomez has really good taste in clothes and I think you should too. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love my clothes too but Selena Gomez's clothes is so cute. I especially love her dresses that she wears to her interviews. They are also cute too. Please leave a comment below on what you think about her fashion. Just for my fans I'll leave you guys a video and a picture just for you guys. I thinkyouguys have seen this commercial on your tv's about Kmart. You know that song by her slow down the song. well this song is in this commercial. Do you see this picture of Selena Gomez's different styles. Comment and tell me wich style you like. See you next time on my Selena Gomez gossip Blog :-)
What's up girls! This is the gossip girl speaking talking to you about growing up. Everybody grows up and alot of people have birthday parties.Did you ever here about Selena Gomez having a birthday party? Well I did, and this is what I am talking to you about. Well anyways alot of people wanted to go to her birthday party and I'm sure you did to. I know I wanted to go to her birthday party. Here, take a look at these pictures with her birthday party.
Everybody loves the beach right? Well Selena Gomez loves the beach too. everytime there is always some story or video of Selena Gomez at the beach eather in her bikini or having fun. But that's not we are talking about. Anyways Selena gomez is always (use to) at the beach with Justin Bieber or just trying to have fun.
I'll let you take a look at her at the beach with Justin Bieber and her just there to have fun.
hey gossip girls(and some of the boys) i know that i haven't been making any posts in a long time.What do you think of selena gomez? please give me a comment of your answer. Anyways you guys know that selena gomez has alot of best friends. I think the main ones are Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, and Miley Cyrus. You can give me a comment of who you think that her best friends are. I will give you two of each pictures with both of them. Talk to you later gossip fans.